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These instructions should enable you to combine SpamPal with the email virus-scanning features of Norton Antivirus 2000. They may also be relevant to previous versions of Norton Antivirus.

Users of Norton Antivirus 2002 should consult this page.

Let's begin...

Norton Setup

To make sure that your outlook email accounts are protected by Norton Antivirus, look in Norton Antivirus Option dialog. In the Email Protection option, you should see that there are check marks right next to all you active email accounts. The check mark right next to the option Enable email protection should also be checked.

SpamPal setup

Normally Spampal uses ports 110 (POP3), 25 (SMTP) and 143 (IMAP4).

To install SpamPal, download it from the website and double-click on the installation file as normal. During installation, the installation program will mention that SpamPal will be installed in a non-standard port, and it will ask you to jot down the port number. This non-standard port number is 1110 by default.

If you installed SpamPal before Norton Anti-virus SpamPal may not have given you the message about needing to use a non-standard port.

So to tell SpamPal to use a different port for it's POP3 Proxy, which doesn't clash with the Norton scanner POP3 proxy, you need to go to SpamPal's options page and select Connections.

Now, select POP3 Port Properties and change the Local Port Number from 110 to 1101

To configure your outlook email account settings so that you email are filtered by SpamPal, from Outlook tools menu, select Accounts option. Once the dialog opens, click on the Mail tab. Click on the email account you are configuring to be filtered by SpamPal, and then click on Properties. In the Properties dialog, click on the Server tab. In the Incoming mail field, you should see In the account name field, you should see something like xxx/yyy where xxx is your email user name, and yyy is your email server. Append the string @ to this string. Your account name field should now have the string like xxx/yyy@

Now, click on the Advanced tab in Outlook Properties dialog. In the Incoming mail (POP3) field, enter 1101 (or whatever port number SpamPal told you it was using), then click on OK button.

Repeat the procedures on all the other email accounts you want to protect.



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