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These instructions should enable you to combine SpamPal with the email virus-scanning features of Norton Antivirus 2001. They may also be relevant to previous versions of Norton Antivirus.

Users of Norton Antivirus 2002 should consult this page.

Let's begin...

Norton Setup
  1. Ensure that Norton Antivirus is installed and set up to scan your email accounts for viruses. Check that this is working.

  2. From the Options dialog, click the + beside Email Protection on the left-hand pane to reveal the Advanced option.

    Select this, then ensure that Enable Manual configuration on the right-hand pane is checked.

    Click OK to confirm

Install SpamPal as normal, following the instructions given for your specific mail program if there are any.

Note that Norton will have added something to your username already, so once you've added the stuff SpamPal requires it will be quite long. Don't worry - this will be okay!

SpamPal will have to use a non-standard POP3 port because Norton will be using the standard one; make sure you follow the relevant portions of the installation instructions.

At the end of setting up Norton Antivirus and SpamPal, the settings in my mail program looked like this:

Username: username\
Incoming Mailserver:

SpamPal Setup
Normally Spampal uses ports 110 (POP3), 25 (SMTP) and 143 (IMAP4).

If you installed SpamPal before Norton Anti-virus SpamPal may not have given you the message about needing to use a non-standard port.
So to tell SpamPal to use a different port for it's POP3 Proxy, which doesn't clash with the Norton scanner POP3 proxy, you need to go to SpamPal's options page and select Connections.

Now, select POP3 Port Properties and change the Local Port Number from 110 to 1101
Now, you need to tell your email program, to talk to SpamPal on the new port number that you've just changed (in this case port 1101)

So, for example in the case of Outlook Express, If you go to Tools, Accounts, Properties and click on the Advanced tab, you will see that you have a box labelled Incoming Mail (POP3) which currently says 110. You need to change this to 1101
