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Contents > Antivirus > Norman Virus Control

Norman Virus Control is a full-featured antivirus package designed for home usage.
Ports in use: General
First install Norman Virus Control. It will change your POP3 server into and your username in <username>

Now install Spampal. It will choose to use port 1110, because 110 is already in use by Norman Virus Control

Ports in use: POP3

Now, you need to tell SpamPal to use a different port for it's POP3 Proxy, which doesn't clash with the Norman Virus Control POP3 proxy.

So, go to SpamPal's options page and select Connections.

Now, select POP3 Port Properties and change the Local Port Number from 110 to 1101
Now, you need to tell your email program, to talk to SpamPal on the new port number that you've just changed (in this case port 1101)

Go to your email program's POP3 settings and change the format of your username to:



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