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Contents > Firewalls > Outpost

Outpost Outpost Firewall FREE offers a basic protection solution for casual web surfers and low budget systems.

Let's begin...
When SpamPal first tries to access the internet
The first time SpamPal runs (to either collect your email or to see if there are any updated programs/plugins) Outpost will see that SpamPal is trying to access the internet and will popup a warning box:
You should now click OK

Updates to SpamPal
If you have downloaded and installed a new version of SpamPal then Outpost will see that the spampal.exe has changed and therefore, you may see the following popup box:

You should now click OK to let the connection through the firewall

Advanced configuration
If you wish to check what setting Outpost is currently using for SpamPal then, from the Outpost's systray icon:



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