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Contents > Installation

SpamPal requires a little bit of work to set up, but this shouldn't take more than ten minutes and once completed, you can almost forget it's there.

There are seven stages to installation process:

1. Install SpamPal
2. Configure SpamPal
3. Configure your email program
4. Create Filter/Message Rules
5. Email Virus Scanners and Firewalls
6. Whitelist friends and contacts
7. Using Blacklists

Let's begin...

1. Install SpamPal

Make sure your email accounts work properly before you install SpamPal, and make a careful written note of your user id and pop3 server name before you start changing settings for spampal. Keep those settings in a safe place, just in case you need to put them back.

Now, download SpamPal and start installation by double-clicking on the SpamPal Setup program (spampal.exe) and follow the on-screen instructions.

Upon completion, SpamPal will run, showing its pink umbrella icon in your system tray.

If this installation is an upgrade of SpamPal then the existing configuration is retained and the process is now complete. If not, i.e. this is a new installation of SpamPal, proceed with the steps below.

The first time SpamPal runs, you will see the following Welcome Screen:
Note 1: Standard Ports
You may, at this point, get an error message about SpamPal not being able to listen on the standard POP3 port.This is nothing to be worried about; just write down the port number SpamPal tells you and continue with this guide

This message means SpamPal is using Port
1110 instead of 110. You don't have to put it into SpamPal because SpamPal already knows it is using port 110. Instead, you have to tell your email program (for example Outlook Express) to use port 1110 instead of 110.

If you try to install SpamPal and port
110 is already in use, you get a warning message and SpamPal switches to a different port. If you don't know what is using port 110, it is a good idea to find out. It might be an obsolete av-scanner that needs removing. It could be another antispam product you tried once that didn't uninstall properly. It could be lots of things.

The latest version of Netstat in Windows XP has an option to display owners. This is run from the command prompt as:


Please note this option is only available in the XP version, not 2000 or earlier

For an easy-to-use utility that works with Winn98, 2000 and XP

This small utility just runs out of the box, no setup needed. I suggest you start the program running then select:

View, Update Speed, Paused

Then look down the column labelled local addresses to find one which reads either: or: machine:pop3

where machine is the name you have assigned to your own machine in windows. To toggle between the two formats, use Ctrl/R.When you find the line you want, double clicking on it displays the program path which will let you identify what it was and take remedial action if necessary.

Choose the level of filtering that SpamPal will start with, the default is Medium level, although if you are really nervous, choose the Safe level.
Note 2: Filtering Strategy
the level you choose can be modified later, if the level you have choosen is filtering too little (or too much)
The next screen gives you three options:

a. Assume ALL mail from Chrian, Korea and Taiwan is spam
Note 3: Country Code Blocking
If you are a global company or you receive a lot of genuine email from China, Korea or Japan then untick the above option, as all emails will automatically be marked as spam.

Once you have setup a good whitelist, you can always re-enable the option to block countries, at a later date
b. to use the RegExFilter plugin (which is disabled by default) See Plugins page for more details
c. to use the UrlBody plugin (which is enabled by default) See Plugins page for more details
Once SpamPal is installed, it will launch itself and you should see the SpamPal umbrella icon in your systray:

2. Configure SpamPal
All you need to know about extra configuration can be found here

3. Configure Your Email Program

Now you have set up SpamPal, you need to configure your email program, so that all emails are received through the SpamPal POP3/IMAP4 Proxy, instead of directly through to your ISP's POP3/IMAP Server.

If you want to use Hotmail or Yahoo then you will see to use additional third party tools, see this page for more information.

If you are an MSN user, you may have some luck using the following server names when you configure your setup:

POP3 Server:
SMTP Server:

The following generic setup instructions can now be used to setup your email program, however, specific setup details for your email program can be found here

To reconfigure your email program, first make a careful note of your original settings.

You should append
whatever value you currently have in your HOST setting, to whatever you currently have in the Username field (seperated with a @ sign), and change the HOST setting to

e.g. if
your original values were:

Username: fred.bloggs

then you would, for example, change them to:


For example, before using SpamPal your email program setup would look something like this:

POP Server: Port: 110
Username: my_login_name
Password: ********

Afterwards, your new email program setup would, for example, look like this:

POP Server: Port: 110
Password: ********
Typical POP3 Server Examples (do not use directly)
Eg. 1: the original values of:
Eg. 1: should be changed to new values of:
Incoming Mail (POP3) Incoming Mail (POP3):
Username: fred.bloggs Username:
Eg. 2: the original values of:
Eg. 2: should be changed to new values of:
Incoming Mail (POP3): Incoming Mail (POP3):
Username:  johnsmith
Eg. 3: the original values of:
Eg. 3: should be changed to new values of:
Incoming Mail (POP3): Incoming Mail (POP3):
Username: fax07734 Username:
Eg. 4: the original values of:
Eg. 4: should be changed to new values of:
Incoming Mail (POP3): Incoming Mail (POP3):
Username: mary_jones Username: mary_jones@
Note 1: Server names
The above Incoming POP3 Server Name, can be called: Incoming Mail Server, POP3 server, POP3 Username or Account Name depending on your email program.

There are also two ways of specifying the
local server name, which should mean exactly the same thing (but on some system only one of them will work): localhost or
Note 2: If your POP3 username already contains an @
Just continue as if it didn't; SpamPal is able to cope with usernames that contain two @s without difficulty.
Note 3: If the server requires authentication box under outgoing mail server is checked...
Click the Settings... button beside it. Now, select Log on using and enter your original username and password i.e.. what they were before you modified the username to install SpamPal
Note 4: If your POP3 server doesn't use the default POP3 port (110)
Append the port number to the server name in the login name field using a colon. For example, if BlueYonder ran their POP3 server on port 8090, I'd end up with a login name of
Note 5: Users of Netscape
should use a '%' symbol instead of a '@',
People using elderly versions of other mail programs may also need to use a '%' sign.
Note 6: If SpamPal previous complained about having to use a non-standard POP3 port...
You will have to change the port your mail program makes the POP3 connection on. The way of doing this will differ for each mail client, but it should be somewhere near where you set the name of the POP3 server, perhaps in an Advanced tab? Change this to the value you wrote down earlier.

If you have more than one POP3 mailbox, repeat this step for each of them.

Now Click on Send/Receive on your email program and you should see that the SpamPal umbrella icon in the system tray starts to revolve:

Note 7: Firewalls
Your firewall software will probably inform you that SpamPal.exe is trying to access the internet, this is completely normal and you should tell your firewall, to allow Spampal access to the internet. 

SpamPal will also, from time to time, access it's own homepage to check for updates, again, your firewall may warn you about this, so again,   tell your firewall to allow Spampal access to the internet

See Step Four below, for additional help setting up your firewall
If you are still having a problem, why not give this setup page a try

4. Create Filter/Message Rules

You should now see emails being received as normal, however, if SpamPal thinks that an email is spam
then the
Subject line will have **SPAM** added to the beginning of your Subject line and an extra header
will be added to your message; X-SpamPal: SPAM

Note: Example Spam Email
Subject: **SPAM** FREE $ FOR YOU !!!
Date: Tue, 24 Jun 2003 13:30:40 +0100

In order to help separate this spam from your normal inbox, you need to setup a message rule,  in your email program, to move these tagged messages into a spamtrap folder.

Start by creating this folder; you can call it anything you like, but for the purposes of this document, I'll assume you've called it spamtrap. Exactly how you create a folder will depend upon your mail program.

Now create a new filter to filter any incoming mail for which the header X-SpamPal: contains SPAM into the spamtrap folder. Again, exactly how to do this will depend upon your mail program.

(If your mail client doesn't allow filtering on arbitrary headers, then filtering for subject lines containing
**SPAM** will have the same effect.)

So far the we've only looked at general instructions that should be sufficient to get SpamPal working with any email program, specific instructions, can be found here.

5. Email Virus Scanners & Firewalls

Some email virus filters want to sit between your mail program and your mail server, in just the way that SpamPal does.

There's actually no reason why they can't; you just have them setup in serial (often called a chain), so that your virus filter fetches its mail through SpamPal rather than directly from your mailserver, and then your email program fetches the mail through the virus filter.

See the following links for more details on how to setup your software:

Using SpamPal with AntiVirus software
Using SpamPal with Firewalls


6. Whitelist Friends and Contacts

In order to speed up the processing of your emails and to prevent SpamPal from marking your friends or contact's emails as spam, it's a good idea at this point to whitelist all your important email addresses.

This can be done in four ways:

a) Use the pop3 automatic whitelist: this will whitelist non-spam email's that you receive on a frequent basis
b) Use the smtp automatic whitelist: which (if setup in 3.3) will whitelist all email addresses that you send out

Note 1: Privacy: smtp automatic whitelist
If you are using this, especially in a business, as this is recording all outgoing addresses, some people might view this as an infringement upon their privacy, (if you are in UK you need to tell staff of this policy before you start collecting data)

c) use the Add to Whitelist option on SpamPal's system tray: to manually whitelist your email addresses by typing in an address (or by using the dropdown box; to select from a list of recently received address):

d) Use the SpamPal Whitelist Email Addresses page to manually whitelist your email addresses:

Note 2: Headers that the whitelist compares against
The whitelist function only looks for email addresses in certain headers of your email.

These headers are currently:
From:, Reply-To:, Sender:, Mailing-List: and Return-Path:
This completes the installation and setup.


7. Using Blacklists

Please don't use massive email address blacklists with SpamPal, particularly not those from general purpose sites. Those are intended for spam detecting systems which can't use DNS blacklists, regular expressions or other advanced spam detection methods.

Using a massive blacklist is not usually productive, as spammers usually forge their email address
and never use the same address twice. If you regularly get spam from the same address and for some reason it is not being picked up by the public blacklists then it can be useful to add it to your own personal blacklist.

However, most people only have a handful of addresses in their blacklists. If you have too many you will slow down SpamPal quite significantly, and be creating a lot of work for yourself without achieving anything useful.

This reasoning also applies to email programs, such as Outlook and Outlook Express that have the facility to block senders by email address (called Junk Senders/Adult Content senders). It is usually better to stop using those features and leave SpamPal to do it's job.

The first way to cut the spam with SpamPal is to adjust the DNS blacklists. Using Easynet and SpamCop should catch 90% of spam for most people. If you don't get at least that high a detection rate, or want a higher rate, let us know and we'll make more suggestions to help to improve the success.



Users can now annoate manual pages with their own hints and tips. To share your insights with your fellow SpamPal users, you can use the form of the bottom of the page.

activating automatic whitelist
Note left by Simon at 2005-06-16 00:08:43

To get automatic whitelisting (or not), go to the "Connections"-page in the spampal options and examine the settings for IMAP, POP3 or SMTP. In my case I had to add SMTP and then I got a chance to activate whitelisting for outgoing mails. (And I have no legal issues for "spying" on outgoing mails since I'm running it on my own computer.)

The explanation above mentions "(if setup in 3.3)" but I really can't see what that should refer to.
My IMAP server only accepts SSL connections, so I'll need to find a suitable wrapper. This ought to be mentioned on this page! Now I'll have to go search the forums.


My Tips
Note left by Joanne Schuler at 2006-02-20 01:39:02

I would suggest that persons of limited skill such as i have be given some tutorial or heads up before being whisked thru the download. i did nothing with those last steps because i didnt know where to put the response choice or i did not understand it. thankyou very much for the gift. I hope to be able to get some help and do it right.


My Tips
Note left by Norman M. Zanardelli at 2006-06-30 20:07:08

I would suggest that persons of limited skill such as i have be given some tutorial or heads up before being whisked thru the download. i did nothing with those last steps because i didnt know where to put the response choice or i did not understand it. thankyou very much for the gift. I hope to be able to get some help and do it right.


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